- that's where the shoe pinches
- <05> вот в чем загвоздка
Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом. Академик.ру. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом. Академик.ру. 2011.
where the shoe pinches — {n. phr.}, {informal} Where or what the discomfort or trouble is. * /Johnny thinks the job is easy, but he will find out where the shoe pinches when he tries it./ * /The coach said he wasn t worried about any position except quarterback; that was … Dictionary of American idioms
where the shoe pinches — {n. phr.}, {informal} Where or what the discomfort or trouble is. * /Johnny thinks the job is easy, but he will find out where the shoe pinches when he tries it./ * /The coach said he wasn t worried about any position except quarterback; that was … Dictionary of American idioms
where\ the\ shoe\ pinches — n. phr. informal Where or what the discomfort or trouble is. Johnny thinks the job is easy, but he will find out where the shoe pinches when he tries it. The coach said he wasn t worried about any position except quarterback; that was where the… … Словарь американских идиом
only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches — This means that it s hard to know how much someone else is suffering … The small dictionary of idiomes
where the shoepinches — When people talk about where the shoe pinches , they are referring to an area that is often a source of problems or difficulties. She s sure the public transport system works perfectly, but she ll find out where the shoe pinches when she… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
shoe — [sho͞o] n. [ME sho < OE sceoh, akin to Ger schuh < IE base * (s)keu , to cover > SKY, HIDE1] 1. an outer covering for the human foot, made of leather, canvas, etc. and usually having a stiff or thick sole and a heel: sometimes restricted … English World dictionary
shoe — shoeless, adj. /shooh/, n., pl. shoes, (esp. Brit. Dial.) shoon; v., shod or shoed, shod or shoed or shodden, shoeing. n. 1. an external covering for the human foot, usually of leather and consisting of a more or less stiff or heavy sole and a… … Universalium
Bata Shoe Museum — Infobox Museum name = Bata Shoe Museum imagesize = 200 map type = latitude = 43.667278 longitude = 79.400139 established = permanent location opened May 6, 1995 location = Toronto, Canada type = visitors = director = curator = Elizabeth… … Wikipedia
ГÆДЫ КÆМ НЫГÆД ИС, УЫЙ ЗОНЫН — Исты æмбæхст архайд, хъуыддагæн йе цæг хъуыды æмбарын, цы аразынмæ хъавдæуы, уый хатын, зонын. Вот где собака зарыта. So that s the crux of the matter!, that s where the problem lies!, that s where the shoe pinches! … Фразеологический словарь иронского диалекта
Clean Development Mechanism — The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexibility mechanisms defined in the Kyoto Protocol (IPCC, 2007).[1] It is defined in Article 12 of the Protocol, and is intended to meet two objectives: (1) to assist parties not included in… … Wikipedia
difficulty — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) That which is hard to overcome Nouns 1. difficulty, hardness, impracticability, hard work, uphill work, hurdle; hard task, Herculean task, large order, hard row to hoe; task of Sisyphus, Sisyphean labor; … English dictionary for students